Vespid task Force COLOSS Meeting
PhD DAYS: OCTOBER 18 and 23 - 2023
Students from the the Research Doctorate in Biology will present and discuss their projects during the "PhD days 2023"
• PhD (I°year) Research Project presentation : Wednesday 18 october 2023 - Aula Magna ex Presidenza, Polo Fibonacci, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, from 14:00
• PhD (III°year) Research Project presentation: Monday 23 October 2023 - Aula Magna Palazzo Boileau, Via S. Maria 85, from 14:00
Progetti speciali per la didattica 2023/2024
Orientation Day for international students FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - 12th October 2023
The International Office of UNIPI (Unità Promozione Internazionale ) invites UNIPI international students (EU and NOn-EU) to take part to the ORIENTATION DAY that will be held on at Polo Didattico delle Piagge (room C1). The event is addressed to students enrolled to the first year of their course of study for a.y. 2023-2024.
12th October 2023 at from 16:45 to 19:00
1a Edizione del Bando di selezione “Universities for Innovation” a.a. 2023-2024
Il bando ha come obiettivo il finanziamento di borse finalizzate allo sviluppo di competenze professionali riconducibili al settore dell’Innovazione Sociale, Tecnologica e Economica, intesa come l’insieme di attività, strategie e idee innovative volte ad innescare un cambiamento ed uno sviluppo economico, sociale e tecnologico nella duplice transizione verde e digitale.