Admission to the Course

The access to the MSc in Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial intelligence for Health is regulated by a specific procedure. 

Successful applicants must meet the following requirements: 

  • demonstrating a relevant academic curriculum (as defined below) 
  • succesfully passing an admission test (interview)

Academic curriculum:

*** For Italian curricula please check this webpage***

Successful applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnologies (italian L-2 class), Biological sciences (italian L-13 class), Engineering (italian L-8 or L-9 classes) or Informatics (italian L-31 class). Applicants having a Bachelor in other kind of degrees must have acquired a minimum of 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) in the following fundamental disciplines: Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science.

For degrees that do not conform to the ECT System, the workload associated with each course must be clearly indicated.

Admission test:

The interview, held in English, will focus on fundamental disciplines (see syllabus of admission test) such as mathematics, physics, computer science, biochemistry, biology (cellular systems and organisms).

In compliance with the interdisciplinary nature of the MSc programme, eligible Students will be asked questions about the following topics:

  • students with previous background in biology / biotechnology must demonstrate basic knowledge and preparation in mathematics, physics, computer science
  • students with previous background in mathematics, computer science, engineering must demonstrate basic knowledge and preparation in biology and biotechnology 

Adequate English knowledge (minimum B2 level) will be assessed by the Admission Committee during the interview, which will be completely held in English. Note that English is the official language for all activities (teaching, examinations, etc) in the MSc in Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial intelligence for Health.