Rules for lab access

Laboratory access for the activities scheduled in the Master’s degree programme is restricted to students who have obtained the Certificazione di sicurezza in laboratorio.

  • Graduate students enrolled from a.y. 2019/2020 onwards in bachelor’s degree courses held at the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa — i.e. Biological Sciences; Biotechnologies, Natural and Environmental Sciences — have already obtained the Certificazione di sicurezza in laboratorio. Those students are therefore required to log in to Alice portal, select their bachelor’s degree and download the certificate Iscrizioni con esami e date from the area Segreteria – Certificati. Moreover students must print the certificate and show it to the teacher each time he/she accesses the laboratory.
  • Graduate students in bachelor’s degree courses held at another Department of the University of Pisa or at another University who have already obtained the Certificazione di sicurezza in laboratorio, must send their request for recognition of the activity to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. enclosing the A form duly filled in, a copy of the certificate and programme of the activities held, specifying number of hours (minimum 8 hours) . Certificates for activities carried out for less than 8 hours will not been considered valid for the recognition.
    In case the request for recognition will be accepted, the activity SALUTE E SICUREZZA IN LABORATORIO (378FF, 1 CFU, grade ID) will be recorded in the student’s university career. Should the CFU be recorded as supernumerary, this will not cause any problem to the student’s university career. Students are required to log in to Alice portal, select their bachelor’s degree and download the certificate Iscrizioni con esami e date from the section Segreteria – Certificati. Moreover students must print the certificate and show it to the teacher each time he/she accesses the laboratory.
  • Graduate students in bachelor’s degree courses held at another University, who do not have any "certificazione di sicurezza in laboratorio" and gratuate students enrolled before a.y. 2019/2020 in bachelor’s degree courses held at the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa — Scienze biologiche, Biotecnologie, Scienze naturali ed ambientali — are required to carefully read the manual "Lab Biosafety Manual 3rd edition", from section I to section VII, and successfully pass the final test.
    The test consists of 30 questions and it is a single-choice crossword test. The test is passed with a minimum score of 18/30.
    Students must contact Prof. Marco Verani in order to apply for the test. 
    PLEASE NOTICE: gratuate students enrolled before a.y. 2019/2020 in bachelor’s degree courses held at the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa — Scienze biologiche, Biotecnologie, Scienze naturali ed ambientali — if they have already taken the "Health and Safety in the Laboratory" course and have a record in the paper booklet, they can report this by writing to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

In case the request for recognition will be accepted, the activity SALUTE E SICUREZZA IN LABORATORIO (378FF, 1 CFU, grade ID) will be recorded in the student’s university career. Should the CFU be recorded as supernumerary, this will not cause any problem to the student’s university career. Students are required to log in to Alice portal, select their bachelor’s degree and download the certificate Iscrizioni con esami e date from the section Segreteria – Certificati. Moreover students must print the certificate and show it to the teacher each time he/she accesses the laboratory.

*** All students who do not have the “certificazione di sicurezza in laboratorio” are neither authorized to attend laboratory activities in presence nor they can attend off-site lectures and field trips. Therefore they cannot take the relevant exams***