
Students admitted to Master's Degree course in Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Health can benefit from a wide range of scholarship.



Students can apply for the scholarship provided by the Agenzia Regionale Diritto allo Studio Universitario. DSU is the agency for the University Study Right of the Tuscany Regional Council (Regione Toscana).


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens* and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)** in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (according to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions). Grants are offered to complete study courses and research/training programs in public or legally recognized Italian educational institutions. Scholarships are available to attend academic courses on the Italian territory only.

AI & Health EU Project

The Master’s Degree course in “Biotechnologies and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Health” participates in the recently funded EU project “AI & Health”. In the frame of this project, scholarships will be activated for students participating in double degree programs together with other top-level European Universities (Aix-Marseille University, Stockholm University, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona). Please, stay tuned to this website for further information!