The figure of the Working Student/Parent is governed by Article 27 of the University's Didactic Regulations. Acquiring the status of Student Worker/Parent only entitles the student to participate in the scheduled special appeals.
The request must be sent to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by filling out the appropriate form.
The request can only be sent during the following periods, stipulated by the University Teaching Regulations:
- February 1 - March 31
- September 1 - October 31
- the request should be sent only in the case of interest in taking exams in special sessions;
- the form must be dated and signed;
- the duration of student worker status is one year, calculated by taking as a reference the date of submission of the application (approved by resolution of the Biology Department Council No. 78 of 17/04/2024, prot. 2148/2024 - repertory 77/2024);
*** PN: Acceptance of the request is communicated by e-mail to the student by the Department Teaching Unit;
the student is required to print the communication received by e-mail and show it to the lecturer at the examination to prove the regularity of his/her attendance at the extraordinary call. ***
Please read the excerpt of the Teaching Regulations below carefully.
Excerpt from the University Teaching Regulations
Article 27 - Student worker
1. In order to improve access to educational offerings for working students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programs, the figure of the working student is regulated.
2. A student worker is defined as one who performs:
- a paid activity on behalf of private individuals, including cooperative societies, or public entities;
- a or activity;
- a self-employed activity with VAT registration and attests that he/she actually carries out this activity;
- a business activity of a commercial, or craft or agricultural type;
- community service.
3. For the purposes of paragraph 2), the student must produce a declaration in lieu of affidavit containing the period of work activity carried out, which cannot be less than three months, even if not continuous, in the twelve months preceding the expiration dates of the periods referred to in paragraph 4 below.
The declaration must also contain:
- the indication of the employer, in the case of employment;
- the indication of the person with whom a coordinated or continuous collaboration activity is carried out;
- the indication of the VAT number, in case of carrying out self-employment, and the type of activity carried out;
- the data on registration with the Chamber of Commerce in case of a commercial or agricultural entrepreneur;
Student worker status is granted ex officio if the requirements are met.
4. Documentation must be submitted to the teaching unit of the department of reference of the course of study during the following periods of each year:
February 1 - March 31;
September 1 - October 31.
5. For each teaching, student workers must be guaranteed a number of examination appointments equal to two plus the minimum number of appointments provided for in Article 23, paragraph 8 of these regulations, i.e. seven for teachings that provide for in-person tests and eight for teachings that do not provide for in-person tests. The departments, upon proposal of the course councils, are therefore required to guarantee, when defining the teaching calendar, possible extraordinary appeals, even overlapping in time with the periods set aside for classroom or laboratory teaching activities, reserved for student workers until this minimum number is reached. Registration for the reserved appeals must take place within the two working weeks prior to the beginning of the appeals. Lecturers shall agree with the student worker on times and arrangements for receptions even outside those scheduled for regular students.
6. In compliance with the provisions of current regulations, and in particular with Article 11, paragraph 2, of Law No. 341 of November 19, 1990, the regulations of the courses of study must provide specific rules in which any reductions in the obligation to attend and/or appropriate alternative arrangements for its fulfillment are established.