
The Master's degree thesis is an experimental work that can be carried out at:

  • The laboratories of the Department of Biology
  • The laboratories of other Department of the University of Pisa or one of the following research institutions: Scuola Normale Superiore, CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna;
  • Research institutions or companies located in Italy or abroad

Laboratories, institutions, companies and structures where the Master’s degree thesis work is held can be either public or private.

According to the regulations of the Course of Study, Master’s thesis can be of two types:

Type A - Master’s degree thesis: experimental work + preparation of thesis. Students will acquire all the required credits at the time of thesis discussion.

Type B - Master’s degree thesis: internship + experimental work + preparation of thesis. Students will acquire internship credits at the end of the internship period, while the rest of credits will be acquired at the time of thesis discussion.

PLEASE NOTICE: Type B Master’s degree thesis is usually recommended for those students who need to acquire credits at the very ending of the internship in order to meet requirements for the scholarship.

PLEASE NOTICE: the type chosen by the student for the conduct of the internship and thesis activity cannot be subject to change in progress (Resolution No. 84/2024 - prot. AOO "BIO" 4008/2024, of the Aggregate Course Council in Biological Sciences on 02/07/2024 and Resolution No. 86/2024 - prot. AOO "BIO" 4011/2024, of the Aggregate Course Council in Biotechnology on 02/07/2024).

International mobility

Students willing to carry out their Master’s degree thesis work abroad can apply for Erasmus scholarship and other kind of scholarships provided by UNIPI (see this link

Further information is available on the section International – Mobilità internazionale in uscita – preparazione tesi