Co-tutorship agreement for Ph.D. Programme

Ph.D. students from the University of Pisa and foreign universities may attend the doctoral program "in cotutela" for the purpose of completing the dissertation, under the joint supervision of a minimum of two professors, at least one from each university.

The Ph.D. students must already be duly enrolled in a Ph.D. programme at one of the two partnering universities under the relevant regulations in force. A Ph.D. student from a foreign university must still possess the qualifications required for admission to the doctoral program verified by the course's faculty.

Ph.D. students are urged to consult Article 25 of the University Regulations on the doctoral program.

Ph.D. in Biology and currently active co-tutorships:

  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) 
    Ph.D student: Dr. Campobasso Claudia
    Supervisor: Dr. Mariagrazia Di Luca
    Research project: Characterisation of staphylococcal bacteriophages and their interaction with biofilm-embedded bacteria

  • Université de Rennes (France)
    Ph.D student: Dr. Luca Pedruzzi
    Supervisors: Prof. Elisabetta Palagi - Prof. Alban Lemasson
    Research project: Exploring the origins of empathy in primates with an ethological approach