Erasmus+ for traineeship

The Department of Biology welcomes international students that want to do a traineeship at the University of Pisa.
Students who have been awarded by their home university an Erasmus scholarship for a traineeship mobility are required to follow the steps below:

  • Contact a teacher of the Department of Biology and discuss about a traineeship project.
  • Register on Alice portal, in order to obtain the credentials required to complete the enrolment procedure at the University of Pisa
  • Fill in the Learning Agreement Before the mobility, provided by their sending insitution, with the project details discussed with the teacher of the Department of Biology and send it to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 
  • P.N. The Erasmus Coordinator of the Department of Biology acts as responsible person and traineeship supervisor at the receiving institution, while the teacher of the relevant research unit acts as traineeship mentor.
  • As soon as the Learning Agreement is approved and signed by alla parties (Erasmus coordinators of sending/receiving institution and the student), students are required to complete the application through the Erasmus Mobility Portal
  • As soon as the application is validated by the Erasmus Coordinator of the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa, the Central International Office of the University of Pisa will contact the students to complete the enrolment procedure.

Traineeship mobility can only start after validation of the application by the Erasmus Coordinator of the Department of Biology.

On their arrival in Pisa , students must email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. to set an appointment with the International office of the Department of Biology in order to get the CERTIFICATE OF ARRIVAL.
NON- EU student must also comply with VISA and Residence permit regulations, for further information please visit the relevant webpage.